Behind box N paint

It all began with an idea of something that was missing.

Nensi is an architect that is very passionate about painting. She paints mostly Plein Air (on location), and contemporary art inside the studio.

As an architect and professional artist, Nensi brings together her expertise in both fields to create Box N Paint products. This fusion of architectural precision and artistic vision results in innovative solutions that meet the practical needs of fellow artists.

Creating is an eternal part of who I am!

Follow her on Instagram @nensipaintings

How box N paint STORAGE was invented?

Box N Paint was born out of necessity. With my busy schedule, I only have a few precious hours to paint. Setting up my palette with daubs of paint used to be the most time-consuming part of the process. Additionally, plein-air painting presented its own challenges, like carrying large oil paint tubes in my bag and dealing with unpredictable New England weather.

Living in an area where the weather isn't always cooperative meant I often had to move inside due to changing conditions, then back outside when the weather cleared up. I needed a way to save my leftover paint. I tried other paint storage systems on the market, as well as various hands-on accessories, but none of them quite fit the bill. Many were fragile, difficult to use, or impractical to transport.

Frustrated, I started using pill boxes to store my oil paint, but they presented their own set of problems. I constantly needed a palette knife to get the paint out, cleaning them was a hassle, and their were fragile. After months of trial and error, I designed a solution. I created a box with an open base, making it easy to access the paint with a brush, almost as if the oil paint is placed directly on the mixing palette.

To further improve it, I added a sliding cover that encloses the box entirely. Now, artists have the flexibility to preserve paint for a long time by either putting the box in the freezer or using clove oil on the felt under the cover. After many months of testing and feedback from artist friends, I finally had the perfect solution.

Box N Paint has revolutionized my painting experience, cutting down setup time and allowing me to preserve my paint effortlessly. After receiving numerous requests and seeing the interest from fellow artists, I decided to make it available to everyone.

I hope Box N Paint proves to be as indispensable to you as it has been to me, making your painting journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Happy Painting!!